Weather or Not Overdue

Explore the difference between climate and weather and learn more about the weather most common in the DFW area including wind, rain, thunder, lightening, and tornadoes. Begin with an investigation into how wind is formed. Then, observe how atmospheric pressure can result in cloud formation as you make a cloud in a bottle. Next, experiment to determine the factors that impact how much rain a cloud can hold. Use and improve your powers of estimation as you learn how to size up hail. Learn more about updrafs and how they effect the size of hail that can be produced. Lastly, become better at estimating the distance between you and an approaching storm.
To better understand the activities facilitated by this kit, view additional image link to left.
Recommended Audience: K+
In this kit: Climate map, toaster, pinwheel, tornado tube, foot pump, rubber stopper and 1-liter bottle, rubbing alcohol, cloud classification masters for reproduction, various sizes of balls (to include ping pong balls), hair dryer, flashlight, brass fasteners, flash drive with sounds of thunder.
**Not provided but required for tornado chamber: 2 2-liter bottles (empty) with standard soda type lid connection. Some craft materials may also be needed for optional activities.
For a complete list of the materials provided, view additional file to left.